18 research outputs found

    Design Objectives for Evolvable Knowledge Graphs

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    Knowledge graphs (KGs) structure knowledge to enable the development of intelligent systems across several application domains. In industrial maintenance, comprehensive knowledge of the factory, machinery, and components is indispensable. This study defines the objectives for evolvable KGs, building upon our prior research, where we initially identified the problem in industrial maintenance. Our contributions include two main aspects: firstly, the categorization of learning within the KG construction process and the identification of design objectives for the KG process focusing on supporting industrial maintenance. The categorization highlights the specific requirements for KG design, emphasizing the importance of planning for maintenance and reuse

    6G White Paper on Edge Intelligence

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    In this white paper we provide a vision for 6G Edge Intelligence. Moving towards 5G and beyond the future 6G networks, intelligent solutions utilizing data-driven machine learning and artificial intelligence become crucial for several real-world applications including but not limited to, more efficient manufacturing, novel personal smart device environments and experiences, urban computing and autonomous traffic settings. We present edge computing along with other 6G enablers as a key component to establish the future 2030 intelligent Internet technologies as shown in this series of 6G White Papers. In this white paper, we focus in the domains of edge computing infrastructure and platforms, data and edge network management, software development for edge, and real-time and distributed training of ML/AI algorithms, along with security, privacy, pricing, and end-user aspects. We discuss the key enablers and challenges and identify the key research questions for the development of the Intelligent Edge services. As a main outcome of this white paper, we envision a transition from Internet of Things to Intelligent Internet of Intelligent Things and provide a roadmap for development of 6G Intelligent Edge

    The Many Faces of Edge Intelligence

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    Edge Intelligence (EI) is an emerging computing and communication paradigm that enables Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionality at the network edge. In this article, we highlight EI as an emerging and important field of research, discuss the state of research, analyze research gaps and highlight important research challenges with the objective of serving as a catalyst for research and innovation in this emerging area. We take a multidisciplinary view to reflect on the current research in AI, edge computing, and communication technologies, and we analyze how EI reflects on existing research in these fields. We also introduce representative examples of application areas that benefit from, or even demand the use of EI.Peer reviewe

    Stakeholder analysis in software-intensive systems development

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    Abstract A stakeholder analysis is commonly a part of the requirements engineering process in the development of software systems. It contributes to identifying, analysing, negotiating and validating requirements from multiple stakeholder viewpoints that do not necessary share the same views on a system under development and do not necessary express themselves using a similar language. Stakeholder analysis is often integrated into a used development method or practice and doesn’t necessarily appear as a separate process. The increase in software size, availability and use in different appliances, however, requires more from the stakeholder analysis than has been recognized in Software Engineering literature. The increasing scale of software systems and connections to other systems increase the number of involved stakeholders complicating the stakeholder analysis. In addition, how the actual stakeholder analysis should be implemented in large scale software development and how it supports the development effort is problematic in practice. The purpose of this thesis is to study the role and purpose of a stakeholder analysis in a large-scale software-intensive systems development. In this thesis, an empirical approach is taken to study the large-scale software-intensive systems development as phenomena in order to observe it as a whole. This approach allows this thesis to analyse the phenomena from different perspectives in order to identify and describe the nature and purpose of a stakeholder analysis in large-scale software-intensive systems development. The contribution of this thesis is the following. First, the thesis contributes to both the practical and scientific community by describing the role of stakeholder analysis in the software-intensive systems development process. Secondly, it demonstrates how a stakeholder analysis can be implemented in a large-scale software-intensive systems development process.Tiivistelmä Sidosryhmäanalyysi on yleensä osa vaatimusmäärittelyprosessia ohjelmistojärjestelmien kehityksessä. Se edesauttaa vaatimusten tunnistamista, analysointia, sopimista ja vahvistamista useiden eri sidosryhmien näkökulmasta tilanteissa, missä eri sidosryhmät eivät välttämättä jaa samaa näkökulmaa kehitettävään järjestelmään ja eivät välttämättä käytä samaa kieltä ilmaistakseen itseään. Sidosryhmäanalyysi on usein integroitu suoraan käytettyyn kehitysmenetelmään tai käytäntöön ja ei välttämättä ilmene erillisenä prosessina. Ohjelmiston koon kasvaessa ja yhteyksien lisääntyminen yhä useampiin laitteisiin on johtanut tilanteeseen, missä sidosryhmäanalyysilta vaaditaan yhä enemmän kuin kirjallisuudessa on aiemmin tunnistettu. Ohjelmistojärjestelmien alati kasvava koko ja yhteyksien lisääntyminen muihin järjestelmiin kasvattaa sidosryhmien määrää vaikeuttaen sidosryhmäanalyysin tekemistä. Lisäksi on ongelmallista, että miten sidosryhmäanalyysin tulisi tukea suuren mittakaavan ohjelmistotuotantoa ja miten se käytännössä toteutetaan tällaisessa ympäristössä. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on tutkia sidosryhmän roolia ja tarkoitusta suuren mittakaavan ohjelmistointensiivisten järjestelmien tuotannossa. Tutkimus on toteutettu empiirisellä lähestymistavalla tarkkailemalla suuren mittakaavan ohjelmistointensiivisten järjestelmien tuotantoa kokonaisuutena. Tämä lähestymistapa mahdollistaa kokonaisuuden analysoinnin eri näkökulmista, jotta sidosryhmäanalyysin luonne ja tarkoitus voidaan tunnistaa ja kuvata suuren mittakaavan ohjelmistointensiivisten järjestelmien tuotannossa. Väitöskirjan tulosten kontribuutio jakautuu kahteen osaan. Ensimmäiseksi väitöskirjan tulokset auttavat sekä tiedeyhteisöä ja käytännön työtä tekeviä kuvaamalla sidosryhmäanalyysin suuren mittakaavan ohjelmistointensiivisten järjestelmien tuotannossa. Toiseksi tulokset havainnollistavat miten sidosryhmäanalyysi voidaan toteuttaa suuren mittakaavan ohjelmistointensiivisten järjestelmien tuotekehitysprosessissa

    Redefining KPIs with information flow visualisation:practitioners’ view

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    Abstract We investigate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a large and multi-national telecommunication company and discover needs and requirements for understanding, analysing and using KPIs from practitioner’s perspective. Utilising an action research approach, we identified the existing challenges with KPIs in a large-scale software-intensive systems development in a global setting. Our study revealed several issues with organisations KPIs, e.g., measuring the wrong things or not basing the measurements on reliable data. Based on the identified issues, a visualisation and modelling approach was introduced to reform the KPI representation and formulation to improve understanding and communicating KPIs, as well as their use in decision-making. We suggest that KPI information flow visualisation with appropriate tool support allows redefining usable, valid and reliable KPIs. The problem is addressed with a simple solution that is easily adopted and taken into use at all levels of an organisation

    Knowledge graph construction and maintenance process:design challenges for industrial maintenance support

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    Abstract Knowledge graphs (KGs) structure knowledge to develop intelligent systems in several application domains. Industrial maintenance support requires knowledge and expertise on a variety of aspects of the factory, machinery, and components. However, the actual creation and maintenance process of KGs has remained unelaborated. We review the KG literature to integrate previous models into one process model also incorporating knowledge engineering principles within. The literature review and a subsequent case study together represent the problem and objectives definition phases of a design science project. The contributions include the integrated process model for KG creation and maintenance and the initially observed design challenges in the KG process operationalisation in a context of supporting industrial maintenance

    Design objectives for evolvable knowledge graphs

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    Abstract Knowledge graphs (KGs) structure knowledge to enable the development of intelligent systems across several application domains. In industrial maintenance, comprehensive knowledge of the factory, machinery, and components is indispensable. This study defines the objectives for evolvable KGs, building upon our prior research, where we initially identified the problem in industrial maintenance. Our contributions include two main aspects: firstly, the categorization of learning within the KG construction process and the identification of design objectives for the KG process focusing on supporting industrial maintenance. The categorization highlights the specific requirements for KG design, emphasizing the importance of planning for maintenance and reuse

    Synchronizing game and AI design in PCG-based game prototypes

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    Abstract Procedural content generation (PCG)-based game design aims to reach a new way of playing games by focusing gameplay around algorithmic game content generation. However, positioning interaction with PCG systems and generated content to the center of player experience poses design challenges for both game design and AI design. In order to create the wanted affordances, rich contextual information is required to make informed decisions on the generated content. While previous research has presented excellent developments on PCG’s possibilities, further considering context and affordances in the early stages of prototyping may aid designers reach these possibilities in a more consistent manner. This study is set to discuss how context, affordances and the game’s overall design can be considered during the prototyping process of PCG-based games. Misaligned game context and affordances can result in deeply rooted design issues that may later manifest as subpar gameplay experiences and increased development effort. These emergent issues are examined through a post-mortem case study to produce an extended PCG-based design process, featuring actionable steps, that takes context, affordances, and the game’s overall design into account through meaningful play

    Fenix:a platform for digital partnering and business ecosystem creation

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    Abstract The contemporary world is a world of connections, codependencies, and value networks. However, finding suitable partners and key competences require considerable effort. The proposed business ecosystem creation platform provides 24/7 “available everywhere” web service, including digital infrastructure and tools for professional networking-agents, company representatives, and researchers for up-to-date information retrieval and networking